Expect nothing, live frugally on surprise.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Scary Dream

I always have this issue with dreams. I get scary dreams; so much that I wake up suddenly and realize that I am in the bed ; sleeping not part of the dream !!
Most of the times ; I don’t remember them as I get up. I think this is such a blessing !! Sometimes I do remember them.
Yesterday night was one of such dreams. It was all related with bombs. People were doing , porting bombs every where. There were this whole bunch of people locked in the office and then there was this group of people who came in and they started bursting bombs every where !!
I don’t know who all were with me. I don’t remember or identify any of those faces. I don’t know the reason behind such a dream.
May be a few discussions with TBH about these bomb-blasts; then we watched the Delhi Police Press Meet ; then the news report about the new terrorist location Azamgarh. There was not any exclusive thoughts about these things on mind as such.
Thank God it was just a dream. All I remember was I woke up abruptly drenched in sweat !! I don’t know what it was meant or why I dreamt about this.


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