Expect nothing, live frugally on surprise.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Bell

A hanging bell at Jhandewalah Temple, New Delhi

Whispers of Night

Listen To The Winds Soft Cry
Of A Lady Singing Her Lullaby
Whispers Of The Night So Long
Wishing For That Famous Love Song
You Are My Light When Darkness Falls
You Are My Sight In My Darkened Halls
Hear The Joy Of An Angel's Glee
When The People Around Her Now See
With Eyes So Clear And Pure
All Now Really Can Be Sure

Just Like That

Pondering Over: A man sitting in Old Fort in Delhi

Final Destination

That morning Manjula was nervous. She was going to the hospital for a test by Dr.Y. Manjula knew all about that test. It is a routine test on the bladder. She had children later in her life. And her body paid the price for going against Mother Nature. She has so-called hyperactive bladder, somewhat similar to hyperactive children. As soon as Manjula drinks a few sips of fluid, her bladder wiggles and then screams, demanding to go to the washroom. Yes, the washroom is Manjula’s second home.When she tells her tale to her Bengali friends they all say in unison ‘it is just the same with every woman’ but Manjula believes her condition is worse than that of others. So she saw Dr.Y. She is very aware that once she sees a doctor the ball starts rolling down the slope, no way one can stop it. This test, that test, this result, that result, this treatment, that treatment, this medication, that surgery and on and on it goes. Even after knowing all these, Manjula had agreed to the test. Age is catching up, she thought, follow a doctor's orders and get the tests done, that is the prudent decision. In that way an illness can be detected at an early-stage. This morning Dr. Y would take a good look inside her bladder and that would rule out any tumor or inflammation lurking there. Manjula got dressed in a hurry, in very simple clothes.


A Life To Live

Angela took pains today to look good. After all, it was her first day at the office. She had an opportunity to be an assistant to one of the famous architects of New York. She was apprehensive about her new job, as she had already lost many others.Angela had always been a lonely and timid girl, lacking self-confidence and strong will power. It was to be expected, in view of the upbringing she had got. It’s not so easy to grow up in a house where you have been abandoned by your mother, and then neglected by your father. Her habit of stammering had over-shadowed her soft, beautiful voice, with its slight French accent. Her face was a mix of French and American features, her mother being French. However, her blonde hair made her look like her father. She believed that her resemblance to her mother was one of the reasons, which made her father neglect her, or rather avoid her. He was embittered when she had left him suddenly, after Angela was born. This had created a feeling of insecurity in Angela from her childhood days.


The Donkey Reward

Vayeke Matuani sat in front of his hut in Ladybrand Township smoking his pipe with a dissatisfied air, and watched his wife cooking his supper on the fire.It was getting dark and the township was at its liveliest. Fires were burning and the women were on their knees cooking porridge in big three legged pots, or roasting pieces of meat over the embers. Children played noisily, the men were returning from their work, exchanging greetings, shouting news and calling to one another.Vayeke liked this time of day the best, but somehow today he was not in a good mood. He had stayed at home all day and he did not feel apart of township life. He did not feel at one with the men who walked back from work, who were thinking of the food and beer that waited for them; or of the girls that they would flirt with, or the piccanins (small boys) who waited to be taught soccer by them, and of many other things. For the first time in his life, Vayeke felt dissatisfied with himself and unhappy with his life.



Suvarna was still a bit shell-shocked from the frenetic wave and mouthed greeting from a stranger walking off the plane. Second looks had revealed it to be her younger sister.... "Thank God for tedious customs procedures," she thought wryly, "They allow one to absorb such shocks". Sudha's face and person had been barely recognizable, layered as it was in rolls of fat. The once-svelte figure, all of 5'3", seemed to have decreased in height in direct proportion to the widening of its girth. A once finely etched profile with a shapely nose was now lost to a multiple chin in a face still distinctly humorous, as of old. The clothes were elegant enough ..distinctly U S NRI, but those shoes ... ugh ... those awful shoes sent an involuntary shiver down Suvarna's spine.


An Eye on the Marine Drive

The great wall, the queen’s necklace or simply Netaji Subhash Chandra Marg, whatever you may call it, Mumbai’s Marine Drive is popular amongst the young and the old alike. I recently had an opportunity to spend some time at this windswept promenade located in the heart of Mumbai, flanked by the Arabian Sea on one side and by posh art deco buildings on the other.Marine Drive is an eight-lane highway, shaped as an arc, with a wide pavement built alongside. It was built in the 1920s on reclaimed land. It stretches from Nariman Point-the concrete jungle of Mumbai, in the north, to the picturesque Malabar Hills- home to many of our Bollywood stars, in the south.Marine Drive is an ideal people-watching place at all times of the day. Early in the morning, it is swarmed with fitness freaks taking their morning walks or jogs and enjoying the view of the sea. There are others who come to walk their Poodles or Pekinese. It is also a time when beggars begin their day, lining up in the hope of that kind-hearted sardarji who always spares a penny. Grandpas form a circle and laugh out loud as part of their laughter club exercise. It never fails to bring a smile on to the face of the passer-by.
Soon I find them all rushing back to their homes to begin a new day, all afresh (except for the beggars of course who are already at work!).


Delhi political circle feels the Mumbai firing heat: Home Minister resigns

It is time for the serial dresser to hang his boots as well as his crisply-tailored suits. The news of his resignation is yet to sink in one really did not expect the sworn 10, Janpath, loyalist to be shown the door after having miraculously survived in office despite serial blasts shattering national peace time and again during his tenure, more so over the last 4-5 months. Each time, he got away with customary "never again" and "perpetrators will be punished" assurances. So much so, the Prime Minister himself repeatedly defended Mr Patil for doing his job well as a home minister. So when the minister did quit on Sunday taking "moral responsibility" for the security goof-up that led 10 terrorists to lay siege to prime locations in Mumbai and butcher 183 innocent people, one wondered whether Mr Patil's decision to own up was too little and too late. But the truth is that Mr Patil's time was clearly running out. With the minister under constant attack from the Opposition over his shoddy handling of the key home portfolio, senior leaders within the Congress had already started complaining, albeit in a hushed tone, about the impact of his continuation in North Block on the party's electoral prospects in the coming round of assembly polls as well as the 2009 Lok Sabha election.


When peace returned

People in Delhi light candles to pay their tributes to those killed in Mumbai Firing.
People sit near to the waterfront near the Taj Mahal hotel after the siege had ended.
School children light candles to pay tribute to the victims of Mumbai terror attack, in Bhopal.
For more pics of Mumbai Firing click Here

Deadly Confusion

Commandos do not normally address press conferences. Like spies, special operations units are supposed to work in the shadows: after the daring, successful, rescue of Israeli hostages in Entebbe in the ’70s, the leader of the rescue mission was persuaded to speak, but was never pleased about having to. So the sight of the black-clad, black-masked men of the navy’s MARCOS — who, according to military legend, do not even tell their families that they have been re-assigned to the Marine Commando Force — taking questions from hordes of reporters was disconcerting. And what was even more jarring: they had been wheeled out in front of the cameras before the operation of which they were technically a part had even been completed; and definitely before it could be declared a “success”, whatever that word would mean in this tragic context.
But this combination of tone-deafness and over-compensation seems to have characterised the response of the navy, and to an extent the other security services, to this tragedy. That the navy’s commandos stepped in quickly when the police were stunned by the magnitude of the assault is something we should be thankful for; but there are less palatable aspects of the last few days that we cannot overlook for ever. The sight of senior navy officers declaring that of course the Mumbai harbour would be insecure — because of the Navy’s own disputes with the Coast Guard; of credit-grabbing press conferences, and attempts by all the services to get in a word with the media while the National Security Guard was still mopping up resistance; of the chief of Southern Naval Command, saying that “we very strongly suspect such a thing can happen” when asked about links between the terrorist strikes and Somalian pirates, of all things.


Saturday, November 29, 2008

Let Peace Prevail

There is a savage irony to the fact that the horror in Mumbai began with terrorists docking near the Gateway of India. The magnificent arch, built in 1911 to welcome the King-Emperor George V, has ever since stood as a symbol of the openness of the city. Crowds flock around it, made up of foreign tourists and local yokels; touts hawk their wares; boats bob in the waters, offering cruises out to the open sea.
Mother of NSG Major Sandeep Uninarayanan grieves at his funeral
The teeming throngs around it daily reflect India's diversity, with Parsi gentlemen out for their evening constitutionals, Muslim women in burqas taking the sea air, Goan Catholic waiters enjoying a break from their duties at the stately Taj Mahal Hotel, Hindus from every corner of the country chatting in a multitude of tongues. Today, ringed by police barricades, the Gateway of India — the gateway to India, and to India's soul — is barred, mute testimony to the latest assault on the country's pluralist democracy. The terrorists, who heaved their bags laden with weapons up the steps of the wharf to begin their assault on the Taj, like their cohorts at a dozen other locations around the city, knew exactly what they were doing. Theirs was an attack on India's financial nerve-centre and commercial capital, a city emblematic of the country's energetic thrust into the 21st century.


Mumbai terror attacks: Economy braces for short-term shocks

The terror attacks that rocked India's financial capital may depress stocks, slow new investment, but are unlikely to inflict long-term damage on the nation's economy.The Confederation of Indian Industry believes that the attacks in Mumbai will not have a long-term impact on Indian business and the Indian economy but as CII President K.V. Kamath, points out, the attack highlights the threat to the institutions of business that are an integral part of India's growth and its relationship with the world.Though the terrorist attacks are targeted at the commercial capital of the country with an objective of disrupting the economy as law and order is an important determinant in any investor's decision. The attacks are likely to register a small and extremely short term blip on the economic radar of the country. According to L.K. Malhotra, President, PHD Chamber, such isolated incidents do not adversely affect the sentiment except in the very short-term. The attacks will affect adversely the capital market sentiment, tourist inflows, etc. in the extremely short term and all these will bounce back within a few days and it will be business as usual.The Indian economy has been doing well in recent years and is one of the top performing economies in the world. No doubt, on account of the global financial crisis, the Indian economy is currently feeling a strain which may get accentuated in the coming months and needs to be dealt with urgently in the economic arena by the economic policy makers of the nation.


Who was in charge?

Mumbai did not have one man in charge sitting in a command centre, directing operations. Instead, reflecting the diffused nature of the graded and gradual response, it had a multitude of security agencies who took over storming operations soon after the situation began slipping out of the Mumbai Police's hands around midnight of November 26.Here's who they were:Lt General Nobel ThamburajGeneral Officer Commanding in Chief Southern Command, based in Pune. The Maharashtra and Gujarat (M&G) area commanded by Major General Hooda reports to him. Thamburaj is the army's next vice chief designate. When the troops of the M&G area and Marine Commandos could not break the siege, the southern command deployed army commandos flown in from outside MumbaiJ.K. Dutt, Director General, NSGHeads the 7,000-strong National Security Guard which is the union home ministry's special response unit. Has two arms – the Special Action Group (SAG) staffed entirely by army personnel on deputation and the Special Ranger Group (SRG) staffed by police and paramilitary forces on deputation. The NSG deployed two units of the SAG – 51 and 52 – tasked with counter-assault and anti-hijack to break the siege at the Oberoi and Taj hotels and Nariman House..


When Mumbai was at Gun point

Armyman take guard at Colaba.
Policeman walks outside the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus station
policeman walks outside the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus station
Investigating officers look at the wreckage of a vehicle destroyed in one of the terror strikes in Mumbai on Wednesday, November 26, 2008.
Mediapersons keep to the ground to avoid bullet injuries during the commando operation at Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai on Saturday, November 29, 2008.
Policemen outside the Mantralya
Policemen outside the Oberoi Hotel
Policemen take guard in front of the Mantralaya due to the rumours of fresh attack on Friday, November 28, 2008
Security personnel take guard during the operation to clear the Taj Mahal Hotel of terrorists in Mumbai on Saturday, November 29, 2008
Smoke engulfs the Taj Hotel in Mumbai on Saturday, November 29, 2008. Commandos killed the three terrorists holed up inside and reclaimed the historic building after a 59-hour gunbattle

For more pics of blasts click Here

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