Expect nothing, live frugally on surprise.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Terrorism is not a War

Terrorist threats predicated by ideology
Of a sick mind who worships idolatry
Cowards disguised as martyrs
Who destroy and slaughter Innocent people
Who worship under steeples
Terrorism is not a war
It’s fear from those we abhor Religious epithets
and ethnic slurs Produce a monster
like swine before pearls
Innocent children
Hearts not yet hardened
Terrorism will not be defeated
Until nations unite against those conceited
Misguided souls propelled by delusion
That life is but an illusion
Governments cannot win this war
But each person must face this chore
Terrorism is part of our history Since Abraham,
it’s not a mystery Inhumanity and humanity
co-exist Between the precipice and
the abyss For we reside between heaven
and hell Where will you be when He rings the bell?

Picture of Terror

One of the victim being carried to AIIMS trauma centre after another blast rocked Delhi this Saturday.
NSG officers inspects blast site in a Flower market in Mehrauli,South of National capital New Delhi
Relative of a victim weeps after another blast rocked the National capital.
Mother of Santosh outside safdurjung Hospital

Police inspecting the bomb blast site at a market in Mehrauli area in New Delhi on Saturday.
Terror strikes again: Investigators collect evidence at the scene of the bomb blast at Mehrauli in New Delhi on Saturday

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Mehrauli Blasted : More Terror

A injured being carried to AIIMS after another blast rocked Delhi.
Police barricade area after Merauli twin Blasts

Police inspects site Soon after a bomb exploded in a flower market in Mehrauli, South Delhi

Five people have been killed and over 50 injured in a blast in Mehrauli in Delhi [Images] on Saturday, according to CNN IBN. The nature of the explosion is not yet known.
According to reports, two men in a motorbike placed a tiffin box outside an electronic shop in the area.
Fire engines and ambulances have rushed to the spot. The shops in the locality have been shut downThe explosion, that comes a fortnight after serial blasts rocked the national Capital, took place in the Mehrauli market area on Saturday afternoon, a senior police official says.
According to police sources and eyewitness reports, two youth came on a motorbike and left a black bag that exploded minutes later.
Police have also confirmed the bomb was triggered from a device placed in a tiffin box. According to initial reports, the blast took place in an electronic shop in the Sarai area of Mehrauli.
At least 14 among the 50 injured have been rushed to trauma centre of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences. One child was reportedly declared dead on arrival.AIIMS spokesperson Y K Gupta tells CNN-IBN the team of doctors is ready for everything.
Fire tenders and ambulances rushed to the spot and police have cordoned off 30-m area around the blast site.
Mehrauli is a commercial hub that houses a number of hardware shops.

In a mess

About 60 per cent of the area in New Gurgaon is not connected to the master sewer lines, which are either not laid or not functional,” says R.S. Rathee, President of DLF Qutub Enclave residents’ welfare association.
“Except DLF Phase I, the internal sewerage lines in phases II, III, IV and V of DLF City do not have proper outlets and sewage is dumped in open plots,” adds Rathee. Although it is illegal to do so, housing societies hire tractors at great expense to get rid of their sewage. With each tractor hauling 5,000 litres, 100 tractor loads of sewage — altogether five lakh litres — gets spread out in the city everyday, adding to the stink. Drive along Gurgaon Expressway and you’ll find large pools of sewage amidst state-of-theart buildings housing multinational companies. In the Sector 32 Institutional Area, which is home to numerous corporate houses like Apollo Tyres and Punj Lloyd, overflowing sewage lines are a common sight. “Some of the corporate houses have relocated due to these problems,” says Mohinder Verma of Punj Lloyd. In Sushant Lok, Greenwood City, sectors 45 and 46 as well as sectors 55/56 that have around 100 group housing societies, you can see large cesspools on vacant plots. In Palam Vihar, where the master sewerage line was constructed against the slope, the sewage has to be pumped out by HUDA. “If the pumps break down, the sewage back-flows into houses,” says Sunil Yadav, Vice President of Palam Vihar Residents’ Association.

Exhibiting stark realities of life

KABLOOMS’: Nandan Ghiya’s painting showing explosions that could have happened anywhere in the world.

Defining popular issues and stark realities of life will be a weeklong exhibition of paintings that opens at The Stainless Gallery in Okhla here on October 1.
“Popular Reality” will showcase the works of Apurba Nandi, Dileep Sharma, Gaurvi Sharma, Josh P.S., Murali Cheeroth, Manil Gupta, Nandan Ghiya, Pradeep L. Mishra, Sharmi Chowdhury, Tushar Joag and Vibha Galhotra.
More than 20 art works in oil and acrylics on canvas and paper will shed light on the personal views of the artists on contemporary issues. Through their medium and chosen topics, the artists reflect all the happenings in cities in which they are based.
According to Jaipur-based Nandan, he has explored the whole contradiction between a blooming flower and a bomb blast. “Though I was tempted to call my work ‘Serial Blast,’ I have not depicted the bomb blasts that took place in Delhi, Jaipur and Mumbai. My work ‘Kablooms’ shows explosions that could have been triggered anywhere in the world.”
In another worke titled “Mission Abort”, Nandan says it is again on the theme of anti-terrorism. “If you look at terrorists worldwide, you will realise that children are indoctrinated into terrorism at a very young age. They are brainwashed in ideologies that breed hatred. So I have showcased foetuses with guns on their backs and a pregnant female figure depicting Mother Earth,” says Nandan, who was trained in fashion designing at the National Institute of Fashion Technology in Delhi.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Fighting Terror

THE world’s financial sector is in the grip of a crisis. The Lehman Brothers fiasco is expected to be seismic in its impact and could well reshape banking, insurance and allied services. Senator John McCain blames Wall Street greed for the disaster, while Barack Obama attributes the quake to the mindless “hands-off” approach of the George W. Bush administration.
Obviously, politics has been injected fully into what should have been a dispassionate, professional analysis of a grave situation. I cannot help but draw a parallel to the debate on terrorism in India. The Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party are engaged in a blame game that will not take us anywhere near a solution, if at all a solution to the growing menace is possible.
The Delhi blasts of September 13 came, ironically, two days after the seventh anniversary of 9/11. I am surprised the miscreants responsible did not act two days earlier and gain greater mileage internationally. Possibly, they did not want Al Qaeda to take credit for the (mis)adventure. This squares with expert assessment that Indian terrorism has come of age and requires no external assistance. It does not for a moment mean that the self-styled Indian Mujahideen and its suspected mentor, the Students Islamic Movement of India, do not draw their inspiration from Osama bin Laden. The spark comes from the latter and it ignites the minds of scores of misguided Muslim youth in the country.
The Mumbai blasts of 1993 and the Coimbatore explosions of 1998 highlighted the ferment within the Muslim community, for some right and more wrong reasons. Future historians could point to the Ayodhya issue as the watershed in Hindu-Muslim relations. But that would be too simplistic an analysis to explain these two gruesome happenings. Greater justification for terrorist strikes comes perhaps in the form of our holding on to Kashmir, our support to Afghan President Hamid Karzai, and the nuclear deal with the United States.
The terrorist will look for more reasons each day to instigate the Muslim youth in the country and mislead them into believing that under the present set-up they have no future. If bombs planted in crowded public places incidentally kill many innocent Muslims, this does not matter so long as the action is in the cause of the jehad. I do

A grieving rlative after Delhi serial blasts

not see a let-up in the violence for some time to come. This is why every rupee spent on protecting the public from savage strikes is worth it.
There are several aspects of the debate that could annoy the average citizen, especially one who has suffered directly at the hands of terrorists. It is preposterous to blame either the United Progressive Alliance or the National Democratic

NSG collect evidence from a blast site in New Delhi

Alliance for the current mess. Both are equally culpable for having failed to produce a national consensus. Both have given strong grounds to believe that they carry, besides a genuine resolve to defeat terrorism, a desire to make political gains. This is what has reduced their credibility when they talk of tackling terrorism with an iron hand.
When we watch the Obama-McCain debate in the U.S., there may be some comfort that the Indian politician is not alone in the game of politicising even crucial issues impinging on national security. But this is cheap comfort. We must resolve to make our leaders understand that our patience is wearing thin, and we expect them to abandon all narrow pursuits.
Is this not the time for us to call for a national government that would sink all political differences and address squarely the issue of terrorism to ensure that it is handled in a tough and professional manner? If next year’s elections are put off, say by a year, while a non-partisan government engages in the task of combating terrorism, it would do all of us a world of good. This is a major move, which can only come about under great public pressure.
It is a strategy that may or may not work. It is nevertheless worth a try. I can assure you that the average citizen is fed up with the current mess. The people’s interest lies in protecting their own lives and property, and a general election is not what the country needs at this crucial juncture when the very basis of constitutional government is under question by some within the country who receive active support from across the border.
Federal agency
The Delhi blasts prove yet again that the way our law enforcement agencies are organised does not answer the need of the hour. I was one of those strongly opposed to the creation of an agency outside the Central Bureau of Investigation for investigating terrorism. Since taking that stand years ago, the magnitude of the problem has enlarged

After rampage of RSS activists in J & k on land issue

beyond belief. We cannot lose any more time in setting up a federal agency – call it by any name – that would have the authority to take cognisance of any terrorist incident in any part of the country. The States will have to accede to this. No Chief Minister who opposes such a move has the moral right to criticise the Centre for being soft on terrorism. The mere fear that such an agency will become politicised in the course of time is no grounds for opposing its creation. After all, there is a strong judiciary, which would come down heavily on blatant political use of the new outfit. Let us not dither on creating the new organisation.
Then, there is the row over a new terror law. This subject has invited acrimony in the past. The Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act (TADA), 1987, and the Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA), 2002, invite derision instead of fear and respect. Neither law was bad in itself. The way each of them was perceived by the politician or implemented by a government of the time hardly enhanced its acceptability. Let us forget the past. Let us devise a new law in quick time – the Administrative Reforms Commission headed by Veerappa Moily has endorsed this – and place it on the statute books. Let us not quibble and say that the existing law is adequate because it has drawn liberally from both TADA and POTA.
This, again, calls for unprecedented political consensus. If we do not forge such unity now when we have nearly lost the war against terrorism, we can never do so. A stringent law may have negative human rights implications. This is again no grounds for postponing action. An intelligent country devises ways and means to check abuses rather than not act at all to produce a much needed piece of legislation. Saying, as some in the

Security forces guard streets of Srinagar, J &K , after a human bomb went of in city's Lal Chowk

government now do, that the existing law is strong enough is to adopt the attitude of an ostrich. The U.S. and the United Kingdom have benefited from new laws. Neither has suffered a major attack since 9/11 and 7/7 respectively. Is this not enough to goad us into acting?
Coming down to brass tacks, how are we going to protect public places that attract huge crowds, such as markets (the principal targets in both the 2005 and 2008 attacks in Delhi), railway stations, places of worship and cinema houses?

A victim looks for help after Islamabad suicidal attack in a five star hotel

minister for Science and Technology Kapil Sibal spoke sometime ago about experiments relating to sensors that could help detect explosives. What is the progress? Inexpensive devices capable of being produced on a large scale are the need of the hour. They should be part of the drill to ensure public safety.
Introducing closed circuit television (CCTV) in large numbers at places where crowds gather every day can act as a deterrent. Here again, economically manufactured devices can play a major role. Many Western cities, especially London, have a positive experience. Why can we not adopt a similar tactic? Going by the ease with which we have implemented the Sixth Pay Commission recommendations, the country can afford the expenditure.
It would be a fatal mistake to dismiss suggestions for widespread use of sensors and cameras in public places as wasteful or impractical. Banking solely on the resilience of our citizens, who come back to normal after every attack, is unethical. You ask the surviving victims or the families of those killed in recent incidents, you will get an entirel y different picture

Evidence collected by Pakistani Security forces after bomb went of in a hotel in Islamabad

The community’s role in organising the nation against terrorism remains diffused. Except for the odd debate on television, that too only for a few days after an incident, I do not see any strong evidence of a resolve to assist law enforcement by way of information on suspicious goings-on in certain urban centres. Without such inputs, no intelligence agency will ever prove effective. As I have said earlier, fighting terrorism should become a national obsession. It is for the media to help keep the focus

At Last

Friend, whose smile has come to be Very precious unto me,
Though I know I drank not first
Of your love’s bright fountain-burst,
Yet I grieve not for the past,So you only love me last!

Other souls may find their joy
In the blind love of a boy:
Give me that which years have tried,
Disciplined and purified,—

Such as, braving sun and blast,
You will bring to me at last!
There are brows more fair than mine,
Eyes of more bewitching shine,

Other hearts more fit, in truth,
For the passion of your youth;
But, their transient empire past,
You will surely love me last!

Wing away your summer-time,
Find a love in every clime,
Roam in liberty and light,—
I shall never stay your flight,

For I know, when all is past
You will come to me at last

Picture worth millon words

A security guard help a foreigner to get out of hotel after blast in Islamabad,Pakistan
Women collect water in flood area of Orissa.
Crowd gathered at Batla House in Jamia nagar after encounter of DP ended, killing 2 milltants
A investor watches display showing stock prices down fall at brokerage firm in Hong Kong
Protestors clash with police during demonstration in Srinagar, J & K
A woman carries her kids in flood affected area of Madhepura in Bihar
Devotees bidding farewell to lord Ganesha in Mumbai
People move to safer places in flood affected Orissa.
Chldren participate in painting competion meant for Global warming

Capturing the human figure

An 11-day exhibition of sculptures on women and inter-relationship with family and environment by Noida-based artist Madhulika Jha opened at the Capital’s Triveni Gallery on Tansen Marg on Thursday.
Titled “Reflected Moods”, the exhibition is on view up to October 5.
Described as a sculptor par excellence by art critics, Madhulika started her rendezvous with clay and paints at a very young age. Born and brought up in Mathura, she completed her primary education from Lucknow and Mathura. After attaining her Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts from Agra University, she did her Masters in English from Mysore University.
Stating that her recent works in bronze and fibreglass depict myriad emotions and relationships, Madhulika says: “For me the sensuous rhythm and pulse of the human face and figure are the same. The response of each viewer is their personal reaction and I let my work speak for itself.”
Speaking about her passion for sculpture, the artist explains: “My sculptures to me are the people I know. They live in my heart. Each one has a story to narrate, a mood that he or she is caught in and which strikes some cord in the viewers’ hearts. To me the woman, even when she is alone, is not really alone because you can feel her thoughts and emotions through her body language. The unstated is quite as interesting than the stated.”

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I slept & dreamt

I slept and dreamt that life was joy.
I awoke and saw that life was service.
I acted and behold,
service was
He who wants to do good knocks at the gate;
he who loves finds the gate open.
I have spent my days stringing
and unstringing my instrument
while the song I came to sing
remains unsung.

Potter, Puttar, so what?

So Hari Puttar has finally overcome Harry Potter — and this with no use of magic or witchcraft (other than spell-binding defence arguments). The legal battle between Warner Bros and Mirchi Movies, the makers of ‘Hari Puttar – A Comedy of Terrors’ caught the attention of the world media in various ways, including Goliath versus David, Hollywood versus Bollywood, and obscure legalese versus plain common sense. Common sense prevailed with the Delhi High Court’s dismissal of the Warner Bros lawsuit. It contended that the film’s title sought to confuse customers and benefit unfairly from the Harry Potter brand, the rights to which the United States-based entertainment behemoth owns for movies and merchandise. Looking vicariously from the sidelines at this battle over intellectual property rights — replete with arguments as Daedalian and labrynthine as the Enchanted Maze that Potter navigates — it is hard to see what the kerfuffle was all about. All right, Hari Puttar sounds suspiciously like Harry Potter. So what? After all, Harry Potter has spawned a virtual industry of rip-offs and parodies. For instance, the hugely successful series of Barry Trotter books (the first book, published in 2001, sold 700,000 copies in three years) has characters such as Ermine Cringer and Lon Measly who study at the Hogwash School of Wizardry and Witchcrap. Other books on the stands: Hairy Potter and the Marijuana Stone and Hairy Potty and the Underwear of Justice. As for cinema, ‘Harvey Putter and the Ridiculous Premise’ is being readied for release in 2010 with such stars as Hernia Grunger, Lord Moldymort, and K.J. Bowling herself.
Why is Puttar an issue when the Putters, Pottys, and the Potheads escape litigation? The short answer lies in western intellectual property law, where the right to free speech is a defence against copyright and trademark violations in relation to such things as parodies. Ironically, the problem with the Puttar film — about a young boy who grows up in Britain and pits his wits against a don called Kali Mirchi — is that it bears no resemblance at all to the Potter saga! Therefore the title of the film was open to trademark litigation, on the ground that audience could confuse it with a Harry Potter film. The Delhi High Court has rightly concluded that the audience in India and elsewhere is more than capable of discerning one from the other. But where would we be without the majestic inscrutability of the law, in which similar is dissimilar and unlike is like, and which has given us a fascinating ringside view of Potter versus Puttar?

Festive Season & Lajpat

The festival season approaches and in Lajpat Nagar there’s a lot to celebrate. Thanks to manoeuvres in high places, a whole year’s worth of stress and worry has been lifted from the business community. For the last 12 months or more Delhi has been in a planning crisis. Well – it’s had a planning crisis for a long time but recently matters came to a head.

I always say shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist.

I'm sure looters don't call it looting. They probably think of it as extreme shopping.

In the smart districts residents naturally object to such goings on but in our noisy Lajpat Nagar the residents are the ones who own the businesses. Last year, the Supreme Court came out with orders banning commercial activity in residential areas. Premises were sealed in official raids; a terrible fate, especially if your stock was inside, as you never knew when it might be released.

There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.
A good book on your shelf is a friend that turns its back on you and remains a friend.
In any part of Delhi, except the poshest, basements and ground floors hum with activity. Garments are made, embroidery is done and goods of all sorts are stored and or sold.

The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not.

If you haven't seen your wife smile at a traffic cop, you haven't seen her smile her prettiest.

But now there’s a stay of execution. “Sealing-wealing”, as it’s known in local rhyming slang, has been stopped for 14 months while Government finds a solution. Last year Lajpat Nagar’s shops boycotted Diwali in protest, a massive gesture. This year they can celebrate as usual.

How delicious is the winning

How delicious is the winning
Of a kiss at love's beginning,
When two mutual hearts are sighing
For the knot there's no untying!
Yet remember, 'Midst our wooing,
Love has bliss, but Love has ruing;
Other smiles may make you fickle,
Tears for other charms may trickle.
Love he comes, and Love he tarries,
Just as fate or fancy carries;
Longest stays,
when sorest chidden;
Laughs and flies, when press'd and bidden.
Bind the sea to slumber stilly,
Bind its odour to the lily,
Bind the aspen ne'er to quiver,
Then bind Love to last for ever.
Love's a fire that needs renewal
Of fresh beauty for its fuel:
Love's wing moults when caged and captured,
Only free, he soars enraptured.
Can you keep the bee from ranging
Or the ringdove's neck from changing?
No! nor fetter'd Love from dying
In the knot there's no untying.

Paharganj Delight

Paharganj is situated close to New Delhi Railway station and so is Connaught Place. Both the areas have hotels, restaurants and shops for tourists. While hotels and restaurants at CP are costly, those at Paharganj are quite affordable for budget tourists. Same is the case with shopping. While roadside vendors at CP may offer cheaper items, the standard showrooms are only for the rich customers. Moreover, while a tourist may find a hotel in almost every street in Paharganj, the same cannot be said of CP. The shops and restaurants in Paharganj are not as intimidating as those in the CP.
korean kimchi paharganj delhi
There is no advertisement as powerful as a positive reputation traveling fast
We can’t help being thirsty, moving toward the voice of water
Colors of Delhi :People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile.
Night out
Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing it is not fish they are after.

If you are young and willing to be bit whacky, Paharganj offers a ceaseless array of delights for you. There are jewellery shops whose owners will also tell you your future and suggest stones to shape it. There are numerous new-age book shops filled with all kinds of attractive titles including yoga, tantra and new-age philosophy. You may be surprised to hear new age music inside these shops. Paharganj also hosts B.Jain Books, one of the world’s largest publishers of books in homeopathy.
You may find thrift shops with patchwork pyjamas. The area is teeming with all kinds of visitors, locals, foreigners, hippies and college students. Paharganj preserves its history of the era of the seventies. It is a Mecca for low budge backpackers. You can get a room in a hotel for as low as Rs.200 per night. There are several travel agents who not only arrange tickets but also offer public telephone services This is the only market in the city where internet cafés are open 24 hours a day. Internet surfing is cheap. You need to pay only ten rupees for half an hour’s use of the computer with internet facility.

Scary Dream

I always have this issue with dreams. I get scary dreams; so much that I wake up suddenly and realize that I am in the bed ; sleeping not part of the dream !!
Most of the times ; I don’t remember them as I get up. I think this is such a blessing !! Sometimes I do remember them.
Yesterday night was one of such dreams. It was all related with bombs. People were doing , porting bombs every where. There were this whole bunch of people locked in the office and then there was this group of people who came in and they started bursting bombs every where !!
I don’t know who all were with me. I don’t remember or identify any of those faces. I don’t know the reason behind such a dream.
May be a few discussions with TBH about these bomb-blasts; then we watched the Delhi Police Press Meet ; then the news report about the new terrorist location Azamgarh. There was not any exclusive thoughts about these things on mind as such.
Thank God it was just a dream. All I remember was I woke up abruptly drenched in sweat !! I don’t know what it was meant or why I dreamt about this.

Delhi flying high

Congestion at Delhi's IGI Airport may finally reduce with the 4.4-km-long new runway set to open from Thursday at 6:00 am. The first flight on the runway, an Air India aircraft, will land at 6.15 am. The flight-handling capacity of the airport will go up to about 65 flights per hour, while demand is of about 45 flights per hour at present. The new runway has been mired in controversy for a while, first due to the drainage problem and water logging, later when the air traffic control officials expressed their concerns over its security since it was not visible from their tower. However, senior ministry officials clarified the runway was serviced by means of highly sophisticated equipment and there was no problem of visibility. Delhi International Airport (P) Ltd (DIAL) has already got permission to drain its water into the Dwarka drain nearby.

Key to success

Many people are trying to create a better life for themselves. After all, life is growth and improvement. If your not growing and getting better, you are getting worse. People from all around the world seek success for their families and themselves. To define success, I would have to say it is the pursuit of something definite that can give us what our ultimate desires are. Whether it's money, health or love, it's really different for everyone. So what is the key to success? Well it's really simple. It has been talked about for thousands of years and mostly all the great thinkers, philosophers and successful people agree on it. It is our thinking. We literally become what we think about most dominantly of all.If you were to become healthy, think about health and how to become healthy. If you want to become rich, think about that. If you want a better job or career, think about that. Don't think about the opposites, because that's exactly what you'll create for yourself.Think and become exactly what you want by creating the life you want to live in you mind first. The rest is organizing your goals and taking action.A great resource that I have come across is the Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale.Please check it out. It has helped me and will help you as well.

A Dream with in a Dream

Take this kiss upon thy brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow—
You are not wrong, to deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.
I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand—
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep—while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?


Suckers that turn on there own,
Dolls that cry and moan.
Cars that you do not pedal,
I am not trying to meddle.
Our kids are getting lazy,
Some of these toys are just plain crazy.
These people only caring about the mind,
Not caring if the kids are good or kind.
Yes, it is good to play,
But why not do it nature's way?
Our children need to be strong,
Some of the things we are doing is quite wrong.

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