Are all terrorists not Muslims?
ALL MUSLIMS are not terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims”is not a fair statement. It sounds believable with reference to the spate of events that take place in our neighbourhoods. Considering the nature of events that take shape time to time at different national locations with regard to this community, there is a pointer that desperately demands every fair-minded one to have a second look and third look at the statement that all terrorists are Muslims.
A simple question is enough for us to take stock and come to conclusions. Why are they so branded? If at all they are found to be engaging in divisive designs in country and cross border, what makes them so, what does not make others behave so and what do we call others who engage in such nefarious activities in the community and stay invisible.
Statistics say 99 per cent of those who got nabbed after the blasts in our country are Muslims and most of them are in their 20s and early 30s. There are some teens too in this guild. The motivation they have in common to go for such activities is also common. They are angry. And they want to vent their anger. Who are they angry with? Angry at the milieu they live in or with the whole world their community belongs to?
Whatever be their conviction on this devastating method of retaliation, they all have to understand a simple thing that so long as they happen to behave the way they do these days, they are going to face more reprisals at the hands of those who happen to taste the bitter effects of their ungodly tendencies. They have been given enough, good and bad, by the community and the world they belong to, and they have given back to the community and the world they belong to enough in the form of terror attacks, hijacks, abduction, arson and genocide.
This ill-fated lot who happen to face discriminations of some type at some time and part of their life have got their own reasons to hit back in whatever form: Jihadis, soldiers of God, or whatever. But they all need to understand that time has come for them too to take stock and ask themselves “why are we being looked at differently?” Take stock gentlemen. Take stock and find yourself, why are you treated unfairly. Remember, the deeds you mastermind and carry out with absolute precision are ungodly acts of the finest order and no God is going to pardon you and you will never be given a place in history. Your heritage will be branded as blasphemous and your future community will harvest the seeds of hatred you sow now in the form of retaliation blasts. So call it day and go on doing your job as directed by your faith. The blood and life you cause others to shed is not going to be justified by any faith.
It is in no way a shame on you to cut yourselves to be what you actually are. Their brain drain you have had in you from nefarious sources can be filled back with decent life and rational thinking. Go to your abode and to God and beseech him to be kind and merciful to you. Give your lives a new dimension for quite sometime. Then watch how the world turns itself into a better place to be in. Give a ceasefire to your violent actions and thus, clean up the image that all terrorists are Muslims. I sternly believe the other way round. All terrorists are not Muslims. On the other hand, I would like to unequivocally believe and put on record here that a great number of, I repeat, a great number of people who we honour and follow, believe and boast of are worse than these misguided youth who rip off innocents when they least expect it. Therefore, I beseech you to call it a day and call yourself much better than these terrorists who live among us in the form of politicians, community heads, religious fundamentalists and advocates of national cause. They are the cancer, they are the venom, and they are the terminators of the society. It is their fight for survival in their respective rings that makes you what you actually aren’t. Do not follow them. You are not what you actually are. You are pawns in their hands. Follow your faith and find your place in history. God, no matter you call it Allah, or Father or Messiah, or whatever, is all-merciful. This Ramzan is the right time to take such a resolve. Being branded as a terrorist community is no good at all. And you all know that you are not.
For Indian Muslims, a time to introspect
India is passing through difficult times. Indeed, through dangerous times. Every citizen and every community has a duty to confront the danger and steer the ship of the nation into safe and calm waters. Hindus, Muslims and Christians—all are required to introspect about the ills in their own community, as also about the forces of intolerance and bigotry that claim to act in the interest of their community.
No community is perhaps more in need of soul-searching than that of Indian Muslims. A toxic element called the Indian Mujahideen has entered the bloodstream of the community, which it must get rid of. The long e-mail that the Indian Mujahideen sent out soon after executing the serial bomb blasts in New Delhi on September 13 is nothing but its manifesto for the destruction of India. The terrorist outfit, claiming to act in the name of Islam, leaves no scope for confusion or doubt about its goal when it says that it wants to “stop the heartbeat of India”. Never before has Independent India heard such a virulent and audacious language of revenge as is contained in the Indian Mujahideen’s anti-national manifesto.
Manifestos are generally not taken seriously, given people’s disappointing experience with pre-election promises and commitments by political parties. But it would be a costly mistake, indeed a mistake of catastrophic proportions, not to take the manifesto of the Indian Mujahideen seriously. This terrorist organisation, which has metamorphosed from SIMI, has spread its tentacles far and wide, establishing hideouts and sleeper cells in several congested Muslim localities in our cities and towns, as is evident from the encounter that took place on Friday at Jamia Nagar in the heart of Delhi. The martyrdom of police inspector Mohan Chand Sharma in the encounter has no doubt sent a wave of gratitude and admiration across the nation. But the episode has also underscored a stark truth: the organisation, part of a global network of Islamist terrorist organisations, is not only driven by a clear goal, but it also has leaders and theologically-indoctrinated foot-soldiers who have the motivation to do everything—including sacrificing their own lives—for the advancement of their goal. So far India has seen serial blasts. The day may not be far off before our cities begin to witness well-targeted suicide missions and political assassinations of the kind that have taken place in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. All in the name of Islam’s triumph worldwide—and...
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