Expect nothing, live frugally on surprise.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Diffrent shades of Delhi

A man runs between two train to catch his own at old Delhi station.
Water containers for stall holders in a market in Old Delhi
The style of holding the money and tickets is both practical (change lined up for customers) and a visual symbol of his role (bus conductor).

The degree to which used and damaged individual components are stripped for repair and re-sale.Car, ABOVE.
The Faith every where
The chai is pleasant enough, but if I'm honest I don't actually want or need it. The same can be said of a number of purchases today - the chai before this and the chai before that. I also didn't need the haircut, the picture frames, stickers, manuals, pens and a multitude of other things that were bought at various stalls in this neighbourhood market. But what all these things have in common is that they enable me to slow down social interactions to the point where an ad-hoc interview can take place.
THE BALANCING ACT: The weight of the TV is a counter balance to the pressure exerted on the buttons and joystick.
To run a light in an alleyway outside his shop this Delhi resident simply taps into the public power supply (junction box hidden at the top of the photo).
What is to stop people from doing the same with all future 'utilities' - whether it is digital storage space, connectivity or downloading content from a as-much-as-you-can-eat subscription account? What level of leakage is privately acceptable for these modern day utility companies? And in what situations is this form of hacking beneficial to both parties?


Priyanka Khot October 30, 2008 at 4:08 PM  

Prachi, Those were some very interesting images and I loved the way you captured the spirit of the city.

अविनाश October 30, 2008 at 4:55 PM  

nice pics Prachi, good work, keep it up, Thx 4 your contribution to the Blog

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