Expect nothing, live frugally on surprise.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Speed Generation

Gandhi once said, “There is more to life than speed.” But what if speed takes over and becomes the essence of life. Speed food, speed music, speed sleep..it's speed everywhere. And the young cohort don't have any regrets about it..
HIGH SPEED love, speed food, speed clothes, speed travel, speed sleep - these are the gears of our ’Vroom Man’-Neobeing; who has defied all laws of kinematics and raised speed to divine levels.
’Vroom Man’ did not have to leap into Hollywood to seek inspiration from Keanu Reaves. Mesmerisation by ride without road hump and speed cushion did the marvel and he invented disciples of deific speed. As a genuine devotee of Vroom Man, let’s educate ourselves on novel addition of idols in the land of Fendi and Gucci.
Speed music - It’s all about ipod and Nanos; MP4 and music India online where music is only a click away. But it’s the ever so vocal music of ’Vroom Man’, which fades everything. Let’s dissect some music lyrics-Cash to da left for me, Cash is right for me, Cash on mind making money all da time.
No wonder it’s moolah, which speed generation thrives on. Music is not only music but cadence for partakers in Vroom journey. Lyrics endorse the pulse that lifts their confidence. And it’s money we all know.
Speed religion-Speed force is the religion. Wally West, the third superhero who is mystical and has multidimensional energy is supreme. The fastest mortal ever straight out flash III in the process of going beyond the limits of physically known speed is what vroom generation swear by.
Other paraphernalia of vroom cohort is liquid nutrition for speed food, audio books for speed reading, Nintendo for speed gaming, speed drug (Amphetamine) for being on fast track without being knackered.
Vroom band do not want to bore with details, they don’t even want to waste time. They just want to have some fun. Speed is what they have got on mind. What’s there to think about baby?


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