Expect nothing, live frugally on surprise.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Turquoise cottage, delhi

I was at this interesting pub tonight, in South Delhi: Turquoise Cottage. They had this rock night going on, where local bands from Delhi had come over to play for the audience. They have this underground pub place where the crowd was absolutely awesome.Lots of fun, but the place had a strange feel to it. On one end, they had hunting weapons displayed, giving it an army feel. Towards the middle, near the bar counter, they had these sports equipment displayed, which put it in a sports bar league. Finally, towards the stage they had equipment and pictures of Jimmy Hendrix and other rock gods. In some places they had movie posters put up too.I came out wondering why they couldn't have just focussed on just rock, sports or weapons. Maybe they would've been even cooler then!


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