Expect nothing, live frugally on surprise.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

We are the world:

Small in size, sweet in smile, kids are great fun. But, when it comes to playing pranks, they are baap of everyone. This children’s Day, WDP peeps into their exciting world Narender Yadav West DelhiNo kidding! Especially on Children’s Day one cannot afford to be kidding with the young adults. After all, kids today are faster and smarter than their predecessors. Keeping pace with the changing times, kids of the new millennium are redefining the whole experience of childhood. Let’s explore their changing world.
They know it all: Believe it and accept it; kids today know more than you and me. Don’t doubt their abilities, lest they bombard you with their curious questions and impromptu answers. Gone are the days when stories shared by nanis and dadis used to be the only way to ferry kids into the mesmerising world of prince and princess. Now, internet is their best buddy, which can take them on a journey of their world instantly. That’s the reason we can find excited kids glued to their computer screens through out the day.
Money power: If, as a parent, you think that pocket money is still the biggest incentive to make your kid work, then you are living in a fool’s paradise. The lucrative option of demanding pocket money from parents has already taken a back seat. Kids no more resort to emotional blackmail and throw tantrums to get pocket money from their parents. Simply because more and more youngsters are exploring options of earning, while studying in school. With the trend of part time jobs, especially during vacations, gaining ground, school kids are becoming financially independent quite early in their life.
We are the world: Kids no longer need to hold your finger while interacting with the outer world. Their world is just a click away. With blogging and texting making them connect instantly throughout the globe, they no longer require following your footprints. The growing popularity of social networking sites among children shows how important internet has become in their life.
Showtime: Who says summer vacations are just about visiting nani’s place and spending time with friends? With the fever of reality shows taking over everyone, summer vacations have become the ideal time for kids to put their best foot forward. Be it western dance or classical music classes, are making a beeline everywhere to make to any glamorous reality show on TV.
Fashion mantra: Gone are the days when fashion and kids were poles apart. Kids are now picking up things faster than adults, when it comes to fashion and style. Not just that, now even kids-only malls and parlours are coming up in different parts of the city. Wanna take some fashion tips?


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