Truth of Incarnation
When the Supreme Being incarnates, the truth of His identity remains hidden to a majority of people, unless He chooses to reveal Himself out of His Sankalpa. But sages and realised souls who recognise Him because of their Jnana, find an unusual joy in beholding the Supreme Being incarnate in close proximity. In a discourse, Sri Hariji pointed out that while the awesomeness of the Lord _ because of His all powerful magnificence, omniscience and omnipresence _ was likely to distance Him, His form and presence during His incarnations removed this distance and engendered extreme love towards Him that manifested in a variety of Bhavas in the devotees based on individual experiences of the divine. Sage Vishwamitra sought Dasaratha's permission to take the young lads Rama and Lakshmana to the forest to initiate them into the necessary skills and mantras and also to eliminate the atrocities of the demons who plagued the forests and hindered the performance of yagnas of the sages. In the role of a preceptor he taught the Bala and Atibala mantras to young Rama and Lakshmana, while as a devotee he was thrilled to be in the presence the Supreme Being. The sage's extreme love and fondness for the young Rama (whom he very well knew to be the Lord) made him gently awaken the lad with the famous "Kousalya Supraja Rama".
King Janaka, a realised soul and quoted as an example of Karma Yogi, who always remained unperturbed, became ineffably attracted by the very presence of Lord Rama, probably because he recognised Him the very Lord on whom he constantly meditated. A similar unique Bhakti Bhava is manifest in the spontaneous hymn of benediction, the Thirupallandu of the devout Periazhwar. On beholding the enthralling deity, he was moved to wish Him well and prayed for longevity for Him and all His paraphernalia. This love overruled any presumptuousness to sing so to the Lord who is beyond Time and Space and is without beginning or end, and who is the only cause, support and sustenance of the entire universe. The greatest auspicious attribute of the Lord is His Saulabhya that endears Him to His devotees who are overwhelmed and wish to remain steeped in His thoughts.
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