Expect nothing, live frugally on surprise.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

St.Peter off duty?

Well, this is a park right beside my office and is maintained by our office. Surprising, its been over 5 years that I've been here and I've been inside the park loads of times, but I never noticed these gates and the creepers over it.I was actually waiting for my friend right here and was getting irritated cause he was over 15 minutes late and that's when I saw this sight. The sight was beautiful, with the sun going down on the top right corner. It looked like the park had an aura. Obviously, my camera could not do well and nor could I, but this is what I managed to capture. P.s., when I saw this sight, the first thing that came to my mind was-Is saint Peter off duty? Where was he and his famous register? It somehow reminded me of the sight of heaven's gate which they usually show in Tom & Jerry and other cartoons!


Patty December 6, 2008 at 7:59 PM  

What a beautiful photo. I bet after viewing that beautiful sight you weren't quite as angry at your friend for being late. Thanks for sharing the photo.

Patty December 6, 2008 at 8:34 PM  

Me again, I have presented you with an award, please come by my blog and pick it up. Hope you're having a terrific week-end.

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