Expect nothing, live frugally on surprise.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Capital Wastage: VIP Security

With mounted escorted, a limousine carrying the President of India, New Delhi, India.
Around 15,000 Delhi Police personnel out of its strength of 60,000 guard the VIPs, who include ministers, politicians, bureaucrats, judges, religious leaders, lawyers and a few journalists.There is an estimate that approximately Rs.6 billion of taxpayers' money is spent annually on the salary of the security staff involved in such duties.

Fleet of VIP ambassadors throng to 10 Janpath, after another day ends at New Delhi, India.
The SPG has seen its 2008-09 budget go up from Rs.1.17 billion to Rs.1.80 billion, while the NSG had its budget marginally reduced from Rs.1.59 billion to Rs.1.58 billion. After P. Chidambaram was appointed home minister, security cover to at least 50 VIPs has reportedly been scaled down as the intelligence agencies made fresh assessments of security threats to ministers and other politicians.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Delhi Random Pics

Any Buyers?
Swaping the role (above & below)

Hit the middle stump (s)
No milk for kids, its beer now ...CHEERS!!
Human rights activists, take note of this.
Dil, dosti...Etc

During Surgery

Things You Don't Want to Hear from Doctor During Surgery: -

  • Oops! Has anyone seen my watch?
  • That was some party last night. I can't remember when I've been that drunk.
  • Damn! Page 47 of the manual is missing!Well this book doesn't say that...
  • This is truly a freak of nature.Better save that. We'll need it for the autopsy.
  • Come back with that! Bad Dog!
  • Wait a minute, if this is his spleen, then what's that?
  • Hey, has anyone ever survived 500ml of this stuff before?
  • Damn, there go the lights again...
  • Ya know, there's big money in kidneys.
  • Hell, the guy's got two of 'em.
  • Everybody stand back! I lost my contact lens!
  • Could you stop that thing from beating; it's throwing my concentration off.
  • I wish I hadn't forgotten my glasses.
  • Well folks, this will be an experiment for all of us.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Delhi Belly: 'Paranthe wali Gali'

In the heart of old Delhi's commercial hub, Chandini Chowk, lays a historical landmark since the time of the Mughals - the "Paranthe wali Gali." A very famous street, "Paranthe wali Gali" (‘gali' means street that sells ‘paranthas' - an Indian food delicacy, sort of chapatti) has seen almost three passed centuries. It houses descendants of the royal chefs of yore who make Paranthas that taste heavenly. So much so, that the Parantha is perhaps the only food in the world to have an entire street named after it!

The first impression of the gali is that of a bustling narrow by lane, crowds walking, bikes, cyclists' driving past, people browsing through the sari and jewellery shops! But as one strolls deeper into the street there begins an irresistible tingling sensation in the nostrils.

And one looks around sniffing the air for more of it and then you know for sure that you're in the right place. Sizzling hot paranthas are being fried here! Each day the dexterous hands of these chefs toss out the most amazing concoctions of a parantha.


City Satellite : Dancing Queen of Gurgaon

Biological sciences is where she shows her academic prowess. But when it comes to living life, she lives Bharatnatyam. Meet Neeta Bala, a resident of Gurgaon’s Sector 30, she recently rendered a Bharatanatyam recital at the Shri Siddhi Ganesh Mandir in DLF Phase IV. In town now to visit her family, Neeta is not new to the art. She has been learning this art since 1995. "Ever since I got into dancing there has been no looking back. I have always tried to strike a balance between dance and whatever I am doing," she says.

Bala She has given several solo performances and has been a part of various group performances by Nrityaranjani in India and abroad. She has also accompanied her Guru for lecture demonstrations. Neeta is also an empanelled artiste of Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR).
Having begun early in the pursuance of her passion, Neeta has been following her sister’s footsteps. "I am a big fan of my elder sister and I have always followed her example. Among other things I picked p dance as she was into dancing when she was a child. At that point I did not realise the value of dancing. The first time that I knew I wanted to be a serious dancer was when I won a classical dancing competition at my school when I was in standard 5. The next turning point in my dancing career was my debut show or my arengetram. It was then that I decided this was to be my life. Despite being a science student, I danced avidly. Being away from India and thus away from regular training, I practice on my own and make it a point to perform every time I am in town."A disciple of a guru Kanaka Srinivasan, Bala feels that Srinivasan has been a wonderful, flawless mentor. "She makes sure that I stay connected to Bharatnatyam and tirelessly works with me in order for me to improve and learn more," shares Bala, "I know that wherever I am and whatever I am doing, I will surely also be dancing."Bala is also a great admirer of the city and strongly feels that Gurgaon is home to great intellect, great culture and budding leaders. Especially with people from different backgrounds and cultures coming together at one place, makes Gurgaon a very rich place indeed. She asserts, "Gurgaon is always buzzing with activity. The new highway is a real blessing and the view of Gurgaon while driving into the city is fabulous. I strongly believe that the city is on its way to becoming better with the Metro."Ask her about the lack of cultural scene in Gurgaon and the absence of such centres that would promote these activities, she strongly denies it. "Gurgaon is blessed with some great institutes and the children are making most of these opportunities," she offers.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

City Fashion: Winter 'Hot' Wear

Jackets, gloves and scarves are all what we associate with the winters. But miniskirts? Well, fashion freaks actually say it’s arctic cool...
Skirts are for summers and Uggs for winters and they mix like oil and water - is it what you believe in? Do you take it for granted that being a Delhiite your winter wardrobe can include everything from fuzzy sweaters to bulky jackets, but definitely not minis, whatsoever? Then it’s time to look around and whip your wardrobe into shape. With mercury keeping low, Delhi is getting ’hotter’ in fashion than never before. Thought this is the effect of roasted beans available in coffee shops cordoning the city?
Phew…it’s all because of Delhi damsels dressed to kill in mini skirts, long boots and leather jackets. The icy weather has in fact fuelled their flaunt-it fashion. It is not only to make a few heads turn at them whenever they walk in but more to feel sexy whatever be the season.
"A mini in winter is more than a style statement - it’s a declaration of youth and independence," says Payal, a central Delhi based airhostess. Tweeds and checks are the top choices in fabric and the skirt length averages about 40 centimeters.
At a leading store, in the South Extension II market, the assortment of skirts sold to young women (between the late teens and early twenties) this fall season turned out to be mostly minis. "In addition to tweed and checked skirts that give a traditional British feel, also popular are pleated skirts and skirts that come with belts and other accessories," says Lehar Grover, a designer, adding that since September, miniskirt sales throughout the stores have indeed grown compared to the previous years.
"Length of the skirts vary from long to midis to minis (with length 45 cm or shorter), and popular fabrics include denim, wool, and tweed," says Poonam Bajaj, designer.
If you are still wandering how these haute babes are managing their minis without getting frozen into ice cubes then we have one word for you: leggings! To complete your overall look, pull on the fall’s hottest boots and some super comfy jackets. As your stylish mercury hits the peak, you’ll step out in the cold with confidence! "Hand crafted Italian boots, leather boots and boots made from python skin in blacks, browns are indeed gorgeous," says Deepika Govind, designer based at Khan Market.

Whatever be your style, the rule of thumb is to be comfortable and happy in your style. "Remember you are wearing the skirt and the skirt is not wearing you," came a chorus from the fashion pundits unanimously.


Capital Trend: Tea Lounges

The Tea Lounge, Lajpat Nagar: If you are meeting up with old friends partying late into the night is inevitable. Before the gang returned to their respective permanent addas in Maharashtra, we did some partying here in Delhi. A lot was cooked but only a little was photographed. I was too rushed at times, and the fact that my ‘food photography’ was the source of some amusement to the lot was not lost on me. All in good humor, of course.

Masala Chai, Kidwai Nagar: It may seem to some, who don’t live to eat, that tender ginger, giant cucumbers, and cups of tea, are not the best subjects for photography. Obviously they have forgotten all the art appreciation classes we had as undergraduates students of architecture. Food and drink are very suitable still-life subjects.
Cha Bar, Oxford Book Store: (Cha Bar, Oxford Bookstore, Statesman House, 148 Barakhamba Road, 011-23766084). Most Delhi wallas are tea lovers but only within home. Outside, they talk like coffee connoisseurs. That may be changing. No longer is this humble drink confined to grimy dhabas and JNU addas, or locked behind the counters of 5-star hotel lounges. Chai is becoming cool. Tea bars are the new hotspots. The brewed beverage has started infusing into the milky layer of the Delhi social scene.
App ki Pasand, Daryaganj: Most Delhi wallas are tea lovers but only within home. Outside, they talk like coffee connoisseurs. That may be changing. No longer is this humble drink confined to grimy dhabas and JNU addas, or locked behind the counters of 5-star hotel lounges. Chai is becoming cool. Tea bars are the new hotspots. The brewed beverage has started infusing into the milky layer of the Delhi social scene.
Everest Tea (Everest Bakery Café, G. No. 4591, Dal Mandi, Main Bazar, Paharganj) I sit down on the cane sofa, beside a samovar. Staring wide-eyed at the giant tea caddies, as a Japanese-speaking attendant serves Jasmine in a moderately large glass bowl. He insisted on iced tea but I wanted it warm. Though the chai's heady fragrance is soothing, its faint fruity sweetness playful, I continue to feel lethargic. It is eventually the zesty Neelgiri that lifts me from my afternoon languor.
Crafts House (Craft House, Metropolitan Hotel Nikko, Banglasahib Road (011-42500200)While the Craft House at the nearby Metropolitan Hotel oozes
Top 10 Health Benefits of Drinking Tea
There are lots of reasons why I enjoy a hot cup of tea: I love the aroma of various flavors of tea; holding onto a hot tea mug warms my hands on a cold winter morning; sipping tea in front of the fireplace is a great way to relax. And those are just the feel-good reasons. If you're not drinking tea yet, read up on these 10 ways tea does your body good and then see if you're ready to change your Starbucks order!

1. Tea contains antioxidants. Like the Rust-Oleum paint that keeps your outdoor furniture from rusting, tea's antioxidants protect your body from the ravages of aging and the effects of pollution.

2. Tea has less caffeine than coffee. Coffee usually has two to three times the caffeine of tea (unless you're a fan of Morning Thunder, which combines caffeine with mate, an herb that acts like caffeine in our body). An eight-ounce cup of coffee contains around 135 mg caffeine; tea contains only 30 to 40 mg per cup. If drinking coffee gives you the jitters, causes indigestion or headaches or interferes with sleep -- switch to tea.

3. Tea may reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke. Unwanted blood clots formed from cholesterol and blood platelets cause heart attack and stroke. Drinking tea may help keep your arteries smooth and clog-free, the same way a drain keeps your bathroom pipes clear. A 5.6-year study from the Netherlands found a 70 percent lower risk of fatal heart attack in people who drank at least two to three cups of black tea daily compared to non-tea drinkers.
4. Tea protects your bones. It's not just the milk added to tea that builds strong bones. One study that compared tea drinkers with non-drinkers, found that people who drank tea for 10 or more years had the strongest bones, even after adjusting for age, body weight, exercise, smoking and other risk factors. The authors suggest that this may be the work of tea's many beneficial phytochemicals.

5. Tea gives you a sweet smile. One look at the grimy grin of Austin Powers and you may not think drinking tea is good for your teeth, but think again. It's the sugar added to it that's likely to blame for England's bad dental record. Tea itself actually contains fluoride and tannins that may keep plaque at bay. So add unsweetened tea drinking to your daily dental routine of brushing and flossing for healthier teeth and gums.

6. Tea bolsters your immune defenses. Drinking tea may help your body's immune system fight off infection. When 21 volunteers drank either five cups of tea or coffee each day for four weeks, researchers saw higher immune system activity in the blood of the tea drinkers.

7. Tea protects against cancer. Thank the polyphenols, the antioxidants found in tea, once again for their cancer-fighting effects. While the overall research is inconclusive, there are enough studies that show the potential protective effects of drinking tea to make adding tea to your list of daily beverages.
8. Tea helps keep you hydrated. Caffeinated beverages, including tea, used to be on the list of beverages that didn't contribute to our daily fluid needs. Since caffeine is a diuretic and makes us pee more, the thought was that caffeinated beverages couldn't contribute to our overall fluid requirement. However, recent research has shown that the caffeine really doesn't matter -- tea and other caffeinated beverages definitely contribute to our fluid needs. The only time the caffeine becomes a problem as far as fluid is concerned is when you drink more than five or six cups of a caffeinated beverage at one time.
9. Tea is calorie-free. Tea doesn't have any calories, unless you add sweetener or milk. Consuming even 250 fewer calories per day can result in losing one pound per week. If you're looking for a satisfying, calorie-free beverage, tea is a top choice.
10. Tea increases your metabolism. Lots of people complain about a slow metabolic rate and their inability to lose weight. Green tea has been shown to actually increase metabolic rate so that you can burn 70 to 80 additional calories by drinking just five cups of green tea per day. Over a year's time you could lose eight pounds just by drinking green tea. Of course, taking a 15-minute walk every day will also burn calories.


"फर्ज निभाने को"

तन्हाइयों ने फ़िर
बीज तेरी यादो के रोपे
मन के बंजर खलिहानों मे
घावो की पनीरी अंकुरित हुई
बीते लम्हों की फसल उगाने को
तिल तिल जल के राख़ हुए
अरमान उर्वरक बन बिखर गये
दिल दरिया अश्रु बह निकले
सींच उन्हें अपना "फर्ज निभाने को

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

City Nightmare: Eve Teasing

It can be office & anywhere else: There is a motley group of people at a bus stop. Two boys on a motorbike pull up and start needling a couple of girls. Sleazy remarks are passed and one of the boys even grabs a girl’s hands. The enraged girls start fighting back, a few bystanders get involved and the boys are taken to task. The situation slowly cools down, the boys are let off the hook with a few threats and the girls board their bus, vindicated.

The dressing has lot to do with eve-teasing : With intrusion of western culture, the dessing of delhi woman has changed drastically in last decade or so, it might not be the sole reason but yes it does attrcts eve teasers. This scene could be an everyday occurrence in Delhi. Except for one detail—the harassers, the harassed and a couple of the bystanders are actors who have just enacted a skit that their ‘audience’ is unaware of, as a part of something known as ‘Invisible Theatre’.In invisible theatre, a previously rehearsed skit addressing a social theme is performed in a public space without the people’s knowing that it is a play.
Defend youself: Girls are motivated to learn at leats basic defensing tactics, and knowing few martial arts kicks and punches can help them. Often, the actors will not just consist of the oppressors and the oppressed, but also those pretending to be passers-by who voice strong opinions, as a means of encouraging the ‘real’ passers-by to do the same. The concept is part of the Theatre of the Oppressed, developed by Brazilian director Augusto Boal in the 1970s. “This was during the time of the military junta, when there was heavy censorship.
Kick them down: In Delhi, invisible theatre is being used as a means to provoke discussion. Like the series of skits done in March 2007 by Jamghat, a Delhibased NGO that rehabilitates street children. The group has done 40 performances in buses on the theme of sexual harassment.
Beware of strangers: “The idea is that the impact will be more. If people see something unfolding in front of them they will react and take action,” says Amit Sinha, director of Jamghat. Iyer clarifies: “Invisible theatre is not about making someone a ‘bakra’,


Monday, January 26, 2009

Republic Day India

India's Honourable President Pratibha Devi Singh Patil with armed forces before guard of honour, New Delhi, India

A Rajasthan Tabloid at Republic Day Function, New Delhi, India. Although India obtained its independence on August 15, 1947, the Constitution of India came into effect only on January 26, 1950. During the transition period from 1947 to 1950, King George VI was the head of country. C. Rajagopalachari served as the Governor-General of India during this period. Following January 26, 1950, Rajendra Prasad was elected as the president of India.
Marking the 60th Republic Day: To mark the importance of this occasion, every year a grand parade is held in the capital, New Delhi, from the Raisina Hill near the Rashtrapati Bhavan (President's Palace), along the Rajpath, past India Gate and on to the historic Red Fort. The different regiments of the Army, the Navy and the Air Force march past in all their finery and official decorations.
The President of India who is the Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Armed Forces, takes the salute. Parades demonstrating the cultures of the various states and regions of India are also held and broadcast nationwide on television. The parade also includes vibrant displays and floats and traditionally ends with a flypast by Indian Air Force jets.
The power called India: Celebrations are also held in state capitals, where the governor of the state unfurls the national flag. If the Governor of the state is unwell, or is unavailable for some reason, the Chief Minister of the state assumes the honor of unfurling the National Flag of India.
Making India Proud: The Republic day of India commenced from 26 January, 1950 signifies the transition of India from a British dominion to a Republic and in the present days is considered as a national holiday. The day also signifies the adoption of the Constitution of India. It is regarded in the present days as one of the three national holidays in India.
Disciplined :It is also the day when the entire country realized the dream of Mahatma Gandhi and the numerous freedom fighters who, fought for and sacrificed their lives for the Independence of their country. To mark the importance of the occasion the Republic Day is celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm all over the country and especially in the capital New Delhi, where the celebrations are initiated with the Presidential to the nation.
The National Flag at India Gate: But this is also followed by the solemn reminder of the role and sacrifice of the martyrs who died for the sake of the country in the freedom movement and also in the succeeding wars for the defense of sovereignty of their country.
Make no mistake about it: In addition, a grand parade is held in all the state capitals along with the capital to commemorate the incident. The different regiments of the Army, the Navy and the Air force participate in the march past in all their finery and official decorations at best. There are also displays representing the different states of the country. The poignant exhibits are found becoming emblem of the activities of the people of the very state along with the efficient presentation of music and songs. It is found that each display brings out with it the multiplicity and richness of the culture of India and the whole show lends a festive air to the occasion. At the same time the patriotic fervor of the people on this day is specially felt and brings the whole country together even in her indispensable miscellany. From the Kashmir in the north to Tamil Nadu in the south, Maharashtra to Manipur, each and every part of the country is represented in occasion. It makes the people proud of their country and also reminds them of the conviction of the slained martyrs in the battlefields of the freedom struggle and wars.

City's working woman: SILENT REVOLUTION

Tuff but Independent life:They don't look glamorous. They don't have the best paying jobs. Their employers are not listed in stock exchanges. There is nothing enviable about them. They are the working women of Delhi.

Together we can : A silent revolution is in process in this conservative capital of a conservative country. The women have started coming out from their homes. They commute in tightly packed buses, with shoulders touching the arms of men who are not their relatives. At work they spend a major part of the day with men who have never met their husbands or fathers. With these men, strangers to their families, they distribute their workload, crack jokes, and share midday meals.
Law & order: The women of Delhi have started coming into their own. They earn their own salaries and operate their own bank accounts. They do not have to ask for shopping money from their husbands. If something tragic happens--the death of a husband or a father, for instance--they don't have to look to others for support. They now stand on their own feet.
Come what may: But concerns remain. Although in urban India, a growing number of households have started discovering the advantages of working women and appreciate the consequent increase in monthly income, life for them is tough. The husbands do not yet share work in the household management, a domain still considered a woman's job. These women essentially are obliged to do straight double shifts(!)
Whatever it takes: For their bosses at work though, these women are treated simply as employees, not as mothers, wives, and daughters-in-law. Once back home after an exhausting day, there is no time to rest. Dinner needs to be cooked, children to be assisted with homework, and husband to be given time.
No matter what:Making inroads into a sector long established by statistics as a men's bastion, Paromita and Nivedita are but two ends of a wide spectrum in the Indian IT arena. If one is at the entry level of an IT-enabled company, the other has already climbed a few steps in an international IT firm. To paint the full picture, take a look at these figures: In the Indian IT industry, women now account for close to 30 per cent of the total workforce and this is expected to go up to 45 per cent by 2010. What is noteworthy is the steady rise of the figures. The figure, according to the Registrar General of India, as in 1981 was 19.7 per cent, which rose to 22.7 per cent in 1991, further rising to 25.7 per cent in 2001.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

City hangout : PVR Priya

Lets go for movie: One of the most famous hang outs in South Delhi is PVR Priyas, which is usually full of young turks from near by colleges like IIT Delhi, Jesus & Mary , Lady Shri Ram college & also from diplomatic enclave in Chankyapuri. Its crowded on weekends, full of young guns and dating couples.

Unstable Isotopes :Apart from a cinema complex, here you can find all major global brands and second hand book store right at the entry point, its must visit for book lovers. Across India, the way we watch movies today has changed completely, thanks to Ajay Bijli who came up with India’s first multiplex at Saket in New Delhi in 1997. Today, his company PVR is not just a film exhibitor but also a producer and distributor under the PVR Pictures banner.
Why should boys have all the fun? There are some good eating joints like 'Khaaza chowk' , Mcc Donalds, Nirulas, Pizza hut and many other restra offering Indian, chinese, thai, mughlai and other diffrent cusines, making it a good visit for food lovers & also dating couples and college/school bunkers. Beautiful girl can make you dizzy here , like you been drinking jack and coke all morning, they can make you feel high, for the single greatest comodity known to man - promise. promise of a better day, promise of a greater hope, promise of a new tomorrow. this particular aura, can be found in the gait of a beautiful girl, in her smile, in her soul, and the way she makes every rotten little thing about life seem like its gonna be ok.
Show what you have: The youngster here can be seen flaunting the latest bollywood fashion, hair style and wandering with most on window shopping. Smokers have thier own place, at the rear end of the complex. It has a disco and a famous bar.
Beware of night: Crowded by richie-rich kids, the bar here is place to show off money, power and lot more.
Young & restless : Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!

Active...Fast Delhi

At India Gate, Leuyton's Delhi: What I like about cities is that everything is king size, the beauty and the ugliness.

What if i missed school bus?:If you start soon enough, you won't have to run to catch up.
No I dont wanna miss this bus, I am allready late: City life is millions of people being lonesome together.
The bus has allready left: As a remedy to life in society I would suggest the big city. Nowadays, it is the only desert within our means.
No one wanna loose: Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present toward the future.

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